Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Second Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko

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According to the Drudge Report, 60 Minutes will air a story tomorrow that might prove to be a character assassination attempt on Alexander Litvinenko. Specifically, the program will carry an interview with Julia Svetlichnaja, a known Kremlin hack (also see this article).

I was in touch with Litvinenko for several months before he went into hiding about a year before he was assassinated. My Litvinenko Chronicles were postings of the emails I received from him.

Alexander gave his life battling for the truth against the greatest enemies of human rights and freedom, i.e., Russia's intelligence services.

As highlighted in Alexander Litvinenko's book, "Blowing Up Russia: Terror From Within", which is banned in Russia, the "former" KGB carried out a silent coup over the last 20 years and now is in control of Russia, including its massive nuclear arsenal. There is no greater threat facing the world right now.


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